KROMA® Displayboard (Paperboard)

Double-sided white display board with excellent printing and further processing properties. Eco-friendly paperboard for signs, displays and packaging.
PEFC-certified (optional FSC®) | PVC-free | 100 % recyclable

1.0 mm
1.5 mm
2.0 mm
2.5 mm
3.0 mm
3.8 mm
5.0 mm
Stock format
700 x 1,000 mm
750 x 1,000 mm
1,400 x 1,000 mm
1,500 x 1,000 mm
1,540 x 1,040 mm
880 x 1,240 mm
1,220 x 1,600 mm
1,220 x 2,440 mm
1,530 x 3,050 mm
Request format
5 sheets
10 sheets
15 sheets
20 sheets
25 sheets
30 sheets
35 sheets
40 sheets
45 sheets
50 sheets
55 sheets
60 sheets
65 sheets
70 sheets
80 sheets
90 sheets
100 sheets
110 sheets
120 sheets
125 Bogen
130 sheets
140 sheets
150 sheets
160 sheets
165 sheets
180 sheets
200 sheets
225 sheets
230 Bogen
260 sheets
300 sheets
330 sheets
360 Bogen
390 sheets
400 sheets
450 Bogen
460 sheets
500 sheets
520 Bogen
570 sheets
660 Bogen
780 Bogen
900 sheets
1.140 Bogen
Select 'Thickness/Stock format' to display available quantities
Do you have any questions? Call us: +49 2162 8966-300
PEFC certification
FSC certification
PVC free Icon
Fire protection class B2 icon
Made in Germany Icon
KROMA® Displayboard (Paperboard)

Display board of brand quality since 1966


Extra-smooth and bright white chromo board surfaces on both sides in combination with a light-coloured wood pulp board core make our solid board KROMA® Displayboard particularly stable and high quality. The fire rating of the thicknesses 3 - 5 mm is classified according to DIN EN 13501-1 Euroclass E // B2 according to DIN 4102-1.


KROMA® Displayboard is ideal for signs and graphics, indoor signage, hanging signs, circular disc,  free-standing sales displays, promotion campaigns and visual communication at the point of sale/point of purchase. In addition, our high-quality, PEFC-certified solid board is also used for exhibitions and trade fair advertising, art and office suppplies, books, boxes, calendars as well as for (industrial) packaging solutions.

Further Processing:

The paperboard surfaces of KROMA® screen printing board have a high degree of whiteness and can be printed on both sides using flatbed printing processes such as large format direct digital printing and screen printing. The excellent flatness and high stability of our paperboard are perfectly suited for further processing: laminating / die-cutting / digital cutting / laser cutting.
KROMA®️ Displayboard is a first choice with a great many of our customers and partners,  because it is easy to use and compatible with a wide range of printing presses: from Agfa, Canon and HP as well as on die-cutting and digital cutting machines such as those from Zund. Did you know that our board is also suitable for laser cutting? Eurolaser tested our material and has certified its laser cutting capabilities.


KROMA® display cardboard is PEFC-certified (FSC® optional) and 100% recyclable. Therefore, it can be disposed of easily and cost-effectively as waste paper. By using renewable and responsibly sourced raw materials, KROMA® Displayboard is a sustainable and PVC-free alternative to plastic sheets (e.g. rigid PVC foam boards, polystyrene).

(Special) sizes and freeforms:

As the manufacturer of KROMA® Displayboard - our established brand product since 1966 - KOHLSCHEIN offers many different thicknesses and stock sizes from 700 x 1000 mm up to the XXL formats 1220 x 2440 mm and 1530 x 3050 mm.
Special sizes and/or special thicknesses can be produced on request on our reel-to-sheet lamination machine or sheet-to-sheet lamination machine.
We are happy to cut individual blanks or free forms according to your specifications: cutting service.


KROMA® Displayboard product info & specifications (PDF)
KROMA® Displayboard eurolaser certificate (PDF)
Infosheet storage & handling (PDF)

KROMA® Displayboard (Paperboard)


1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm, 2.5 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.8 mm, 5.0 mm


565 g/m², 800 g/m², 990 g/m², 1195 g/m², 1415 g/m², 1730 g/m², 2180 g/m²

Stock format:

750 x 1,000 mm, 700 x 1,000 mm, 1,500 x 1,000 mm, 1,540 x 1,040 mm, 880 x 1,240 mm, 1,400 x 1,000 mm, 1,220 x 1,600 mm, 1,220 x 2,440 mm, 1,400 x 3,000 mm, 1,530 x 3,050 mm

Type of Material :

Cardboard, Chromo board, Display board, Paperboard, Screenboard, Solid board


Folding box cardboard


White (Pure white)


Cardboard/Paperboard, Bright

Printing processes:

Digital printing, Large format digital printing, Screen printing

Further processing:

Cutting, Die-cutting, Laminating, Laser


Books, Boxes, Calendar(-back), Displays POS/POP, Figurines, Circular discs, Framing, Hanging signs, Industrial applications, Model making, Office supplies, Packaging, Shop window design, Signs, Stands


Eco-friendly, PVC-free, Recyclable, Sustainable, Disposal as waste paper


PEFC, Optional FSC®, Fire protection B2





Here is an overview of the grammages, thicknesses and formats we have in stock.
Special formats and / or special thicknesses are possible on request.

Grammage (g/m²)  Thickness (mm) Available formats (mm)
565 1,0 700 x 1.000 750 x 1.000 1.400 x 1.000 1.500 x 1.000 1.540 x 1.040 880 x 1.240 - 1.220 x 2.440 -
800 1,5 700 x 1.000 750 x 1.000 1.400 x 1.000 1.500 x 1.000 1.540 x 1.040 880 x 1.240 -  1.220 x 2.440* 1.530 x 3.050
990 2,0 700 x 1.000 750 x 1.000 1.400 x 1.000 1.500 x 1.000 1.540 x 1.040 880 x 1.240 1.220 x 1.600 1.220 x 2.440 1.530 x 3.050
1.195 2,5 700 x 1.000 750 x 1.000  1.400 x 1.000* 1.500 x 1.000  1.540 x 1.040*  880 x 1.240* - - -
1.415 3,0 700 x 1.000 750 x 1.000 1.400 x 1.000 1.500 x 1.000 1.540 x 1.040 880 x 1.240 1.220 x 1.600 1.220 x 2.440 1.530 x 3.050
1.730 3,8  700 x 1.000* -  1.400 x 1.000* -  1.540 x 1.040*  880 x 1.240* -  1.220 x 2.440* 1.530 x 3.050
2.180 5,0 - - - - - - - 1.220 x 2.440 1.530 x 3.050

*Minimum order quantity 3 t

Note: The underlined format indicates the grain direction.


Bright white premium board with identical smooth surfaces, excellent stiffness and high rigidity for eye-catching printed products, rigid boxes, luxury packaging.
Double-sided white paperboard with high wet strength for indoor and outdoor uses. Printable on both sides, with excellent flatness and high rigidity.
1-sided self-adhesive paperboard with high adhesive strength. This rigid board is used as a mounting / lamination board with excellent flatness & high stability or as directly printable sheet material with a self-adhesive reverse side.
Double-sided bright white folding box board with identical surfaces (2S). Laminated board with brilliant whiteness & high stiffness.
Deep black premium board with very smooth matt black surfaces. 100 % cellulose board with high material volume, excellent flatness and high rigiditiy.
Natural brown display board with unbleached Kraft paper surfaces on both sides. High-quality board with natural look and feel for displays & packaging.
Natural white woodpulp board with very smooth surfaces. Light weight paperboard with high bulk, superior flatness and high stiffness.
PEFC-certified I 100 % recyclable I Toy safety standard DIN EN 71-3
Natural white display board with excellent printing and further processing properties. Eco-friendly paperboard for a wide range of display and packaging applications.


Professional cutter with extremely sharp blades and sturdy handle for the cutting table, the studio and further processing of cardboard, lightweight foamboards, etc.
Dispersion glue with strong adhesive power for cardboard, paperboard and more.